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  • Scheer Network

    Scheer Network

    IDS Scheer Holding is the association of innovative and technology-oriented companies in a network. Scheer GmbH, imc AG and Scheer PAS Deutschland GmbH as established companies are the driving forces for the start-ups in the IDS Scheer Network.

    Professor of Business Informatics, inventor of the ARIS concept and successful entrepreneur August-Wilhelm Scheer founded IDS Scheer Holding GmbH as a network of high-growth IT companies. He is the founder, sole shareholder and to this day managing director of IDS Scheer Holding GmbH. Professor Scheer holds an entrepreneurial stake in the network companies and supports them with personal commitment in the establishment and expansion of their business activities.

    Prof. Dr. August-Wilhelm Scheer
    Managing Director of IDS Scheer Holding GmbH

    "Innovation comes from cooperation across corporate boundaries."

    Prof. Dr. August-Wilhelm Scheer

    IDS Scheer Holding forms the reliable roof over the Scheer corporate network and promotes cooperation between the network companies to increase added value for customers and at the same time facilitate access to new markets for the network partners. Prof. Scheer promotes IDS Scheer Holding through his many years of entrepreneurial experience; he brings together innovative ideas and bright minds in the Scheer Network to make bold visions a reality.

    Learn more about the companies of the Scheer Network here

    Research in the Scheer Network

    New business and technological concepts help companies to remain competitive in the long term. Based on this insight, the Research division evaluates specialist and technological developments and their impact on the various industries, the area of corporate management or even on IT support for business processes.

    In cooperation with colleagues from the specialist departments or in discussion with experts from our sister companies in IDS Scheer Holding, ideas are generated for new consulting products and services that will find their way into Scheer's service portfolio in the medium to long term.

    Innovation arises in cooperation across company boundaries. Thus, in the research environment, we work together with renowned companies from the business world, with research institutes, and with university chairs.

    Learn more about the August-Wilhelm Scheer Research Institute