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SAP S/4HANA: The Simplification Item Check

The Simplification Item Check is the central element of an S/4HANA system conversion. The check reviews the entire simplification list for anything that impedes the system conversion from a technical point of view. It is automatically performed by the system during the system conversion, and stops the conversion whenever it detects any critical objects that were not deleted beforehand.

In any case, the Simplification Item Check should be run manually prior to system conversion. You can run the check via the report /SDF/RC_START_CHECK,

but it must be implemented in the system first. SAP Note 2502552 contains a complete guide for all aspects of the check, for example:

System requirements
TCI activities
Notes to be implemented
Running the Simplification Item Check

Transport-Based Correction Instructions

Install TCI on your SAP ECC system, if this has not occurred beforehand. TCI stands for "Transport-Based Correction Instructions" and is a new channel for importing ABAP corrections with SAP Notes. You'll find all the necessary information as well as a comprehensive cookbook in SAP Note 2187425.

Activation of the TCI requires activities on the part of your SAP basis. The TCI is not only relevant for the Simplification Item Check, but will also be used for most of the SAP Notes in the future.

Implementation of the Simplification Item Check

For implementation of the Simplification Item Check including TCI activation, a workload of 1-2 days should be expected, depending on your SAP ECC system's condition in reference to the relevant SAP Notes. We recommend that you activate the check on the development system and then transport the check to the productive system.

To achieve the most informative results, run the Simplification Item Check on the productive system. All clients are checked simultaneously, by the way.

Once the Simplification Item Check is implemented in the system, you can retrieve the report.


The report indicates whether the relevant SAP Notes are current. If not, please update them before running the Simplification Item Check.

You can select any available on-premise S/4HANA release in the drop-down menu. Of course, each new release increases the number of Simplification Items – or the labor required for system conversion. Besides the SAP Notes listed in the report, additional releases are indicated if the corresponding Simplification List is already available.

The Simplification Item Check is run once only via the options "New Check in On-line Mode" or "New Check as Background Job" and can be viewed anytime afterwards, via the option "Display Last Check Result". It’s best to run the check once, and only have it displayed afterwards, since the results list allows you to set the status and register comments per line. Once you run a new check, the previous result will be overwritten.


The output occurs in a list that is ordered according to the items of the Simplification List and contains extensive information on the item.

In order to check whether an object has an issue, you need to run the consistency check for all objects first. The check assigns a color to each object, indicating the scope and importance of the issue.

We recommend integrating the ST03N – the workload monitor. On activation of the latter, the Simplification Item Check can automatically exclude non-relevant Simplification Items. For obtaining precise results, the ST03N should be activated with sufficient lead time, i.e. several months, including annual financial statements.

After selecting an entry, you can display all details on the object in question via the "Check Consistency Details" interface.

Here you'll find all necessary information on the object, such as the error description and SAP Notes, which can help you in processing the object.

After processing the object and rectifying the reported error, you can use the "Check Consistency Details" button again to see whether the check is now successful for this object. The system conversion by the SUM (Software Update Manager) will then (no longer) be canceled at this point.

You can implement the Simplification Item Check in the SAP ECC system at any time and start the analysis at an early stage. Especially given the necessary preparations, such as activating the TCI or importing numerous SAP Notes, we recommend considering the Simplification Item Check at an early stage.

The SAP Readiness Check

The SAP Readiness Check also checks the SAP ECC system for the Simplification Items, but at a lower degree of detail compared with the Simplification Item Check. The Readiness Check enables you to define work packages long before technical conversion by the SUM, so that they can be processed prior to the system conversion project. The Readiness Check also offers additional checks, so that combining the two tools makes sense.

The Simplification Item Check combines well with the SAP Readiness Check for the perfect start in changing to S/4HANA. Both checks are free of charge and don't require much implementation time. The results are valuable and will already help you when deciding between Greenfield and Brownfield.