Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it has long since become an important topic at management level. However, it is not just a matter of collecting sustainability data at the right place and…
The topic of sustainability is now becoming a component of risk management for financial institutions as well In this article, we take a closer look at the demands and implications this entails for…
SNP presents the next generation of the software platform for data transformation and management CrystalBridge®.
Companies face the challenges of changing customer requirements and disruptions. New digital services, new competitors and new business models based on digital technologies are at issue. In the…
Within the project GAIA-X French and German representatives of politics, business and science, together with other European partners, create a proposal for the next generation of data infrastructure…
A chatbot (also known as conversational AI) is a dialog system enabling communication with a technical system. The dialog can proceed textually or by voice. Nowadays we no longer speak of chatbot…
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