Network security may no longer be the first line of defense in cloud computing. Achieving a secure cloud environment requires a combination of security approaches. Read in the blog how to overhaul…
With cloud computing, you can connect to any resource in your environment at any time, from any device. Read the blog to learn how to protect your cloud with Microsoft Antimalware for Azure and…
Security in the cloud is negatively affected by lack of visibility, rapidly changing workloads and infrastructures, sophisticated attacks and shortages in the security workforce. Learn how to protect…
In the world of cloud computing, on-premises security concepts and technologies have become obsolete. Read the blog post on how Microsoft Azure provides a great toolset to achieve your goal of…
Cloud Computing ist der nächste Evolutionssprung in der IT. Die Reise in die Cloud bringt große Vorteile mit sich. Aber wie Stan Lee schon sagte: „Aus großer Kraft, folgt große Verantwortung“.…
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